By Reach Brands
Ten interesting and useful reported statistics on consumer attitudes, behaviours, trends and demographics.
- Convenience is key, with 48% of new mums agreeing they will pay more for products if it saves time and hassle, compared with 37% of the general population.
Why mums go online for deals and advice by Lucy Handley Marketing Week April 2012
- Only 8% of people use a traditional film camera, while 40 per cent use a digital camera and 45% rely on their smartphone.
Do smartphones spell the end of the digital camera? by Sean Poulter Mailonline 29th June 2012
- 40% of people admitted they would eat more biscuits if they were lower in sugar.
Biscuit sales are soaring by Jo Willey
- It was one of the nation’s favourite past times back in ‘72 with as many as three quarters (74%) of all Brits turning their hand to some kind of job around the home. However, 40 years on, the nation is a little less keen to take on an odd job. Indeed, in 2012 as few as 37% of Brits have carried out some kind of DIY task in the past 12 months.
Mintel celebrates 40th Anniversary 15th June 2012
- Early adopters are 46% more likely than the average internet user to have been to a site that features new technologies in the past month, 30% more likely to have visited a beauty-related site and 25% more likely to have visited a religious site.
Trends early adopters by Michael Barnett Marketing Week 27th June 2012
- 33% of supermarket shoppers admit to accidentally buying the wrong product because the packaging looked so similar to the actual brand.
What you see is not always what you get by Jo Roberts Marketing Week 28th June 2012
- Research conducted by Marketing week on what makes a brand cool with the kids shows that if a brand has high production values, attention to detail and innovative packaging it is more than twice as likely to be rated as a supercool brand.
What makes a brand down with the kids? By Morag Cuddeford Jones Marketing Week 05th July 2012
- According to research by email marketing agency Pure360, web and mobile users are most likely to respond to consumer promotions between 7 and 10pm, with offers on clothes and leisure activities (such as gyms) being particularly popular during this slot.
Email’s social evolution by Trevor Clawson Marketing Magazine 11th July 2011
- Free-from has grown 15.5% in the latest year to £239.8m. Growth is driven by new shoppers and existing ones buying more often. In the past year, 46% of households bought into the market.
Focus on free-from by Jules Leyland The Grocer 14th July 2012
- 80% of consumers said that brand experience is the single most important factor for repurchase – more on this in our article ‘How to capitalise on consumers’ need for escapism‘
B&T 2012
By Michelle Vincent, Strategy Executive at Reach